Clinical research with people for people.
and Coordinator of Clinical Research
Information for patients and relatives
Neurodegenerative diseases are chronic brain diseases that cause progressive disorders of certain brain functions. In Alzheimer's disease or frontotemporal dementia, for example, memory or speech are affected. In Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or ataxias, motor problems are the main symptoms. The situation is similar for chronic sequelae of stroke, chronic cerebral circulatory disorders and other diseases.
The Aims of Clinical Research
The long-term goal of clinical research at the DZNE is to develop new and effective therapies and diagnostic markers for neurodegenerative diseases. In close collaboration with the university hospitals at the DZNE sites, clinical studies will provide the basis for new methods of early diagnosis and therapy by:
- the application of findings from fundamental research in clinical studies to improve treatment for people with neurodegenerative diseases,
- the improvement of pre- and early symptomatic diagnostics as a necessary prerequisite for the successful development of novel therapies,
- the encouragement of studies on innovative medicinal and non-pharmacological interventions.
To this end, the DZNE not only conducts local studies at the individual sites. Due to its organizational structure, it is possible for subjects to be examined at all participating DZNE sites in so-called multicenter studies, of course according to uniform standards. In doing so, the DZNE cooperates with local university hospitals.
What are the criteria for my participation in a clinical study?
In principle, people suffering from a neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, can participate in clinical studies. Of course, the selection of potential subjects always depends on the questions that the study is trying to answer. In addition, we also look for healthy study subjects and relatives of people with neurodegenerative diseases, for example to find out how new diagnostic procedures and markers behave in healthy subjects compared to those who are affected. However, for each clinical study, there are so-called inclusion and exclusion criteria. This means:
- There are detailed criteria for which subjects may participate in our studies and which may not.
- A study physician will always conduct a detailed informed consent interview with you before you can be included in a study.
- Potential subjects are always examined thoroughly by a study investigator in advance.
How do I benefit?
By participating, you will support research into neurodegenerative diseases and help our dedicated researchers achieve the goals of clinical research. You will not benefit directly from participating.
Will I incur any costs?
You will receive the study-specific assessments free of charge. Travel expenses will be reimbursed as a rule. Furthermore, you will receive an expense allowance for your participation in some studies.
Is my data safe?
All your data will, of course, be treated in the strictest confidence. The DZNE's Clinical Research Department complies with all legal data protection requirements for clinical studies.
You have further questions?
If you have any further questions about participating in the study, you are welcome to contact us:
- via email: info-line(at)dzne.de
- by phone: (free of charge within Germany, Thursdays 1:30-4:30 p.m.)
Central Contact Management
If you are already participating in a study of the DZNE, the central point of contact for clinical research is the point of contact in the case of a request for information or deletion.