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Symbolic image shows blood samples in rack.
Blood Testing for so-called MicroRNAs Can Detect Dementia
German-American research team highlights new diagnostic option for Alzheimer’s.
Complex tissue culture under the microscope.
“Prelude” to Neuromuscular Disease SMA May Offer Chances for Better Treatment
SMA appears to be preceded by abnormalities in embryonic development that have not yet been recognized and could hold approaches for therapy.
What is the situation of early Alzheimer's diagnostics in Germany?
Science and pharma join forces to scrutinize our healthcare system.
This symbolic picture shows blood samples.
Scientists Unravel Life-saving Effect of Dexamethasone in COVID-19
Study in “Cell”.
Symbolic image shows blood and urine samples.
Blood Markers Detect Rare Forms of Dementia as well as the Neurological Diseases ALS and PSP
Research with data from Germany and Spain opens up new options for diagnosis.
Portrait Frank Bradke
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science Honors Bonn Neurobiologist
Frank Bradke receives the 50,000 Euro Academy Prize.
One million US dollars for mapping the “springs of the spinal fluid”
Bonn researchers aim to measure intricate brain structures with artificial intelligence.
Portrait Zweckstetter.
Enzymes in Dementia: EU Awards around 2.5 Million Euros for German Research Project
Biophysicist Markus Zweckstetter seeks to unravel the action of enzymes in Alzheimer’s disease.
Memory Self-Test via Smartphone Can Identify Early Signs of Alzheimer’s disease
Digital approach to pave the way for better early diagnosis.
PFAS in blood are ubiquitous – and they are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases
Findings from the Bonn “Rhineland Study” and the Netherlands

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