Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory of the Elderly

Project Overview

Duration:2017 – 2020
Funding:Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW
Project Management:Prof. Dr. Martina Roes
Project Coordination:Daniel Purwins
Project Staff:

Tobias Stacke
Johannes Bergmann
Christina Manietta (09/2017-12/2019)
Mike Rommerskirch (Research Assistant)



Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln e.V.
Diakonie Düsseldorf
PennState University, Prof. Dr. Kimberly Van Haitsma


Knowledge of the everyday life preferences of elderly persons in need of care is the foundation on which ongoing individualized care planning is based. In this context, the PELI (acronym for "Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory") instrument was developed at the Polisher Research Institute (U.S.) for the systematic recording of individual preferences of elderly persons in need of care.

Since July 2016, the PELI-Nursing Home version has been tested in two states in the U.S. Current study results in the U.S. have shown that the PELI instrument is a feasible, meaningful and valid instrument (Van Haitsma et al., 2014a; Van Haitsma et al., 2014b; Van Haitsma et al., 2013). Therefore, PELI seems to be helpful to improve better quality of nursing care and to emphasize the important policy objective of achieving person-centeredness for people in need of care in different German care settings.


For further information about the original PELI versions please visit the following website: [last accessed on 28.07.2020].

Project Aims

Currently, to our knowledge, there is no instrument in German comparable to the PELI. To fill this gap, the DZNE (site Witten) will:

  1. conduct a cultural-sensitive translation and item-based modification of the original PELI questionnaire to German (PELI-D),
  2. develop three specific versions for the care settings: nursing homes, home care and adult daycare.
  3. test the PELI-D versions with psychometrical approaches, and evaluated them by the perspective of applicability in design of a pilot study.


The study consists of two consecutive phases (Stacke et al., 2020):                

Phase 1: Translation of the PELI. As part of the proposed project PELI-D, the PELI instrument (nursing home version) will be culture-sensitively translated into German - applying the recommendations of the ISPOR-Task Force (Wild et al., 2005) that contains e.g. the steps forward-translation, back-translation and the Cognitive Debriefing. Additionally, experiences of an expert panel are used.

Phase 2: Piloting. The setting specific PELI-D versions (PELI-DA [homecare]; PELI-D-DS [nursing home]; PELI-D-DT [adult day care]) will be tested for applicability. The pilot study will be conducted in the institutions of the nursing homes, adult day cares, and the homecare cares services of the above mentioned German collaboration partners. Different data will be collected and analyzed to test the applicability of the setting specific PELI-D instruments.

Expected results

To provide an instrument (free of charge) to record individual preferences of people in need of care in a structured way in different care settings.

On the basis of the recorded preferences, it should be possible to plan and implement care in line with the individual preferences of the person in need of care.

Follow-Up Project

Preferences in adult daycare (expected project duration: 2021-2023)


Stacke, T. I., Bergmann, J. M., Ströbel, A. M., Müller-Widmer, R., Purwins, D., Manietta, C., Rommerskirch, M., Nebowsky, A. E., Wegner, A., White, J., Kelleter, H., Ralic, N., Van Haitsma, K., & Roes, M. (2020). Preferences for everyday living inventory (PELI): study protocol for piloting a culture-sensitive and setting-specific translated instrument in German care settings (PELI-D). BMJ open, 10(1), e030268.

Van Haitsma, K.; Abbott, K. M.; Heid, A. R.; Carpenter, B.; Curyto, K.; Kleban, M.; Eshraghi, K.; Duntzee, C.I.; Spector, A. (2014a): The consistency of self-reported preferences for everyday living: implications for person-centered care delivery. J Gerontol Nurs, 40 (10): 34-46. doi:10.3928/00989134-20140820-01

Van Haitsma, K.; Crespy, S.; Humes, S.; Elliot, A.; Mihelic, A.; Scott, C.; Curyto, K.; Spector, A.; Eshraghi, K.; Duntzee, C.; Heid, A. R.; Abbott, K. (2014b): New toolkit to measure quality of person-centered care: development and pilot evaluation with nursing home communities. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 15 (9): 671-680. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2014.02.004

Van Haitsma, K.; Curyto, K.; Spector, A.; Towsley, G.; Kleban, M.; Carpenter, B.; Ruckdeschel, K.; Feldman, P. H.; Koren, M. J. (2013): The preferences for everyday living inventory: scale development and description of psychosocial preferences responses in community-dwelling elders. Gerontologist, 53(4), 582-595. doi:10.1093/geront/gns102

Wild, D.; Grove, A.; Martin, M.; Eremenco, S.; McElroy, S.; Verjee-Lorenz, A.; Erikson, P. (2005): Principles of Good Practice for the Translation and Cultural Adaptation Process for Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) Measures: report of the ISPOR Task Force for Translation and Cultural Adaptation. Value Health, 8(2), 94-104. doi:10.1111/j.1524-4733.2005.04054.x


Daniel Purwins
Research Associate
Stockumer Str. 12
+49 2302 926-268

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